第九条 and Affirmative Action Complaints

At 十大彩票平台 we foster a climate of purposeful inclusion, an environment where all can feel safe, 有价值的, 照顾, and given an opportunity to form meaningful connections with each other. 十大彩票平台 values the diversity of humanity, a diversity which includes differences in sex, 年龄, 比赛, 种族, and national origin, range of abilities, sexual orientation, gender identity, financial means, 教育, and political perspective.

这些信念和实践适用于校园的所有项目:它们影响着我们所有的决定, 包括我们的就业决策和对社区和合作伙伴的承诺.

Gender Identity/Expression

学院的每一个学生和员工都有责任单独和集体地促进和维护一个安全的环境,有利于学习,它包含了文明和人类尊严的协议. 学院认为基于性别认同/性别表达的歧视与建立一个十大彩票平台充分参与的氛围是不一致的, 教师, 和工作人员. Gender identity is an individual's personal sense of being male, 女, or on the spectrum of gender (including those who identify as transgender, or are non-traditional in their gender identity). 性别表达包括着装等性别认同的外在特征和行为, 言谈举止, 说话方式, and social interactions. 十大彩票平台将采取合理措施,防止和阻止所有基于性别认同/表达的不容忍和骚扰行为, 并将调查指控的骚扰或歧视,并在确定指控有效时影响补救或解决.


Any employee or student, or applicant for employment or admission, who believes he/she has been subjected to Prohibited Conduct as defined under the Affirmative Action Plan.  提出申诉的个人或组织不一定是所称歧视的受害者,但可能受到普遍的敌对性环境的影响,或代表另一个人或群体提出申诉.

Complaints may be made in writing or orally. Complaints may also be filed in alternate formats from persons with disabilities, i.e. computer disk, audio tape, or in Braille.


投诉应直接提交给平权行动官员或第九条协调员. Conversations are kept as confidential as possible, 但是,如果校园出于社区安全的原因需要采取行动,有关不当性行为事件的信息可能会与相关管理人员共享. 在所有情况下,发起对话的人的意愿都得到了充分的考虑.

Submit your complaint online:

十大彩票平台 Affirmative Action Discrimination Complaint Form

or download and complete the following form:

Affirmative Action Complaint Form (PDF)

and email the document or hand deliver a printed copy to:

凯瑟琳·C. Senie J.D., Ed.D.
Director of Compliance
Affirmative Action Officer/第九条 Coordinator
爱尔兰共和军H. Rubenzahl 学生 Learning Commons (B19), room 153

Mailing Address: One Armory Square, Suite 1, PO Box 9000, Springfield, MA 01102-9000

In addition to the above complaint process, 如果您认为自己受到了歧视,您可以向下文所述的政府机构提出正式投诉. 根据本政策提出投诉并不禁止您向这些机构提出投诉. Each of the 年龄ncies has a short time period for filing a claim (EEOC - 300 days; MCAD -300 days). 美国平等就业机会委员会("EEOC")波士顿国会街1号10楼, MA 02114 (617) 565-3200. The Office For Civil Rights (“OCR”) U.S. Department of Education John W. McCormack Post Office and Courthouse, 波士顿222室, 马萨诸塞州反歧视委员会(“MCAD”)波士顿办事处:伍斯特办事处:阿什伯顿广场1号伍斯特市政厅室. 美因街601 484号., Rm. 320 Boston, MA 02108 Worcester, MA 01608.

Human Resource Assistance with Filing

学院将为残疾人士和英语水平有限的个人提供住宿,并可能需要帮助提供信息, 参与调查过程或立即获得临时保护措施. 联系 Human 资源 at 413-755-4426.

残疾人援助:残疾人康复学院,残疾人康复学院,残疾人康复学院,残疾人康复学院,残疾人康复学院,残疾人康复学院,残疾人康复学院,残疾人康复学院, 在调查过程中,所有独立的参与者都参与了诉讼案件的调查. Por favor de contactar Recursos Humanos al 413-755-4426

Annual Security Report

根据Jeanne cleery披露校园安全政策和犯罪统计法案,十大彩票平台准备了ASR报告. 的副本 十大彩票平台 Annual Clery Report 也可在位于公共安全大楼的校园警察局领取, or by calling 413-755-4220. 所有未来的员工都可以从16号楼的人力资源办公室获得一份, Room 243 or by calling 413-755-4361.